Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.For mild dengue fever, it will cause high fever and flu-like symptoms. Meanwhile, for severe dengue, it can cause serious bleeding, a sudden drop in blood pressure (shock) and even death.

Millions of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever infection occur worldwide each year.Dengue fever is most common in Southeast Asia,the western Pacific islands, Latin America and Africa. But now the disease has spread to new areas, including localized outbreaks in Europe and the southern United States.

Now researchers are trying to make a dengue fever vaccine. For now, in areas where dengue fever is common, the best way to prevent infection is to avoid mosquito bites and take the necessary steps to reduce the mosquito population.

Dengue fever is caused by one of four types of dengue virus. You cannot get this disease because you are around infected people because this disease is transmitted through mosquito bites. Two mosquitoes that can transmit this virus are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.
The two types of mosquitoes that most often transmit the dengue virus are commonly found both in and around settlements. 

When a mosquito bites a person infected with the dengue virus, the virus enters the mosquito. Then, when the infected mosquito bites another person, the virus enters that person's bloodstream and causes infection
After a person recovers from this disease, they will have long-term immunity against the type of virus that infected them, but not against the other three types of dengue virus.

This means you could be infected again in the future by any of the other three strains. Your risk of getting this disease at a severe level will increase if you get dengue fever for the second, third or fourth time.

Many people do not experience signs or symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever infection. When symptoms do occur,they are mistaken for another illness, such as the flu. Usually symptoms will appear from four to 10 days after you are bitten by a mosquito.

This disease can cause a high fever of up to 40 degrees Celsius. In addition, some other symptoms,including:

  • Muscle, bone or joint pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain behind the eye
  • Swollen glands.
  • Rash.
Most people recover within a week or so. In some cases, the symptoms get worse and can be life-threatening. This is called severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.

Severe dengue occurs when blood vessels become damaged and leak. This condition will cause the number of clot-forming cells(thrombocytes) in the bloodstream to decrease. This can lead to shock, internal bleeding, organ failure and even death.

The warning signs of dengue fever are severe and constitute an emergency and can develop quickly. Warning signs usually begin the first day or two after the fever goes away, including:

  • Severe stomach ache.
  • Constant vomiting.
  • Bleeding from the gums or nose.
  • Blood in urine, stool, or vomit.
  • Bleeding under the skin, which looks like a bruise.
  • Difficult or rapid breathing.
  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability or restlessness.
Diagnosing the disease can be difficult because its signs and symptoms can easily be confused with those of other diseases, such as chikungunya, Zika virus, malaria and typhoid fever. The doctor will likely ask about medical history and travel. The doctor will also take a blood sample to be tested in the laboratory as evidence of infection with one of the dengue viruses.

Severe dengue fever can cause several complications, such as internal bleeding and organ damage. Blood pressure can also drop to dangerous levels to cause shock. In some cases, severe dengue fever can also cause death.

Women who catch this disease during pregnancy can pass the virus to the baby during delivery. In addition, babies of mothers who contracted the disease during pregnancy have a higher risk of premature delivery, low birth weight, or fetal distress.

Unfortunately there is no specific treatment for this disease. While recovering, you should drink lots of fluids. Call your doctor right away if you have the following signs and symptoms of dehydration:

  • Reduced urination.
  • Little or no tears.
  • Dry mouth or lips.
  • Lethargy or confusion.
cold or clammy extremities :

Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen can help reduce muscle aches and fever. However, if you have this disease, you should avoid other types of pain relievers, including aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. The reason is, this pain reliever can increase the risk of bleeding complications.
If you have severe dengue fever, you will need:

  • Supportive care in hospital.
  • Intravenous (IV).
  • fluid and electrolyte replacement.
  • Blood pressure monitoring.
  • Blood transfusion to replace blood loss.
The World Health Organization emphasizes that a vaccine by itself is not an effective tool for reducing dengue fever in areas where the disease is common. Prevention of mosquito bites and mosquito population control are still the main methods of preventing the spread of dengue fever.

If you live or travel to an area that is frequently affected by this disease, the following tips can help reduce the risk of mosquito bites:

Use air conditioning or mosquito nets that are installed to ventilate and bed. Also, the mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus are most active from dawn to dusk, but they can also bite at night. Wear protective clothing when you go to mosquito infested areas, wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and shoes.
Use insect repellents such as permethrin as they can be applied to clothing, shoes, camping gear and mosquito nets. You can also buy clothing made with permethrin already in it. For skin, use a repellent that contains at least a 10 percent concentration of DEET.

Reducing mosquito habitat by covering stagnant water. Mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus usually live in and around homes, breeding in stagnant water which can collect on used car tires. You can help reduce the mosquito population by eliminating the habitats where they lay their eggs. 

At least once a week, empty and clean containers that catch stagnant water, such as planting containers, animal plates, and flower vases. Keep the water bowl closed between cleanings.
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Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract characterized by shortness of breath due to inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Asthma can be suffered by all age groups, both young and old.

Asthma sufferers have more sensitive respiratory tract than normal people. When the lungs are exposed to asthma triggers, the muscles in the airways stiffen, making the airways narrow. In addition, phlegm production also increases. The combination of these conditions makes sufferers experience asthma symptoms.

Based on the report of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018, it is estimated that 2.4 percent of the entire Indonesian population suffers from asthma. Meanwhile, according to WHO data in 2019, asthma sufferers worldwide reached 262 million people, with the death rate from asthma reaching 461,000 people.

Asthma occurs when the muscles in the airways narrow and tighten. This condition makes the respiratory tract experience swelling or inflammation and produces excessively thick mucus or phlegm. As a result, people with asthma will find it difficult to breathe.

The cause of asthma is still not known with certainty. However, there are allegations that this condition is related to genetic and environmental factors. The asthma triggers themselves can vary for each sufferer, including:

Respiratory tract infections, such as the flu
Allergens (substances that trigger allergies), such as animal dander, mites, dust, and pollen Exposure to chemical fumes, cigarette smoke and air pollution Weather conditions, such as storms, cold or hot air, humid or windy weather, and drastic changes in temperature Room conditions that are damp, moldy, or dusty stress Excessive emotions, such as protracted sadness, uncontrollable anger, or laughing out loud Physical activity or exercise that is too strenuousMedications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) and beta-blockers Food or drink containing additives, for example jam, shrimp, processed food, ready-to-eat food, packaged fruit juice, beer and wine,Food allergies, for example to shrimp or nuts Acid reflux disease (GERD) There are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing asthma, namely:

Gender is male in children, and female in adolescents or adults Family history of asthma or atopic allergies, such as food allergies, allergic rhinitis, or eczema Overweight or obesity History of bronchiolitis or lung infection in childhood Born with a weight below normal Premature birth, especially if a ventilator is needed Smoking habits, including in pregnant women Exposure to secondhand smoke as a child Jobs that are at risk of exposure to chemicals, such as farmers, hairdressers, or factory workers Asthma can be characterized by various symptoms. These symptoms can last continuously, come and go, or only occur at certain times, for example when you are exercising. The severity of the symptoms also varies, from mild to severe.
The main symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing, which can include:

It's hard to breathe Cough The chest feels tight, painful, and feels like pressure
Wheezing or wheezing The above complaints can resemble the symptoms of other diseases. However, these complaints can be suspected of being caused by asthma if they have the following characteristics:

Worse in the morning or at night Disappear on the same day Arises or gets worse when the patient is infected with a virus, such as a cold Triggered by exercise, allergies, cold air, or excessive breathing when laughing or crying Besides that, there is also the term asthma attack, which is marked by a worsening of symptoms. Asthma attacks can occur suddenly or over several days. This condition is characterized by more serious symptoms, such as :

Symptoms of coughing, wheezing, and tightness in the chest that are getting more frequent and worse Trouble speaking, eating, or sleeping due to difficulty breathingLips and fingers that look blue Need to use the inhaler more often Heart rate increases Dizzy, tired, or sleepy Faint Immediately see a doctor if you or your family experience symptoms of an asthma attack, especially if accompanied by the following conditions:

Cannot be relieved by using an inhaler  Very fast breathing Shortness of breath and wheezing that gets worse very quickly
Cough that's hard to stop or wheezing that's loud enough to breathe Shortness of breath when doing light activities Anxiety and panic The color of the fingers, lips and gums becomes bluish or pale Chest pain or pressure
It's hard to talk Pale face and cold sweat
A severe asthma attack can be life-threatening. Immediately seek medical help to the emergency room to get further treatment.

Asthma treatment aims to relieve symptoms and prevent asthma attacks from occurring.The doctor will adjust the treatment method to the cause of asthma, as well as the patient's age, severity of the condition, and response to treatment.

Asthma treatment can be done in the short term or long term. The following is an explanation of each method and its treatment:

Short Term Treatment Short-term treatment methods aim to quickly relieve asthma attacks while they are occurring and prevent symptoms from recurring. There are three types of drugs that can be used in this method, namely:

1. Short-acting beta2-agonist inhalers

Inhalers can be used for quick relief of symptoms during an asthma attack. This medicine can open narrowed airways so that air can get back in. Although inhalers can easily relieve asthma symptoms, they should only be used as directed by a doctor. This is because its use should not be too frequent and needs to be recorded every week. In addition, sufferers should understand very well how to use this asthma drug properly, so that the results are maximized.

2. Oral or infusion corticosteroids
The doctor will prescribe corticosteroids to relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract.

3. Anticholinergic drugs
Anticholinergic drugs, such as ipratropium and tiotropoium, are used to relax the airways so that the patient can breathe more easily.

Long Term Treatment

Long-term treatment aims to relieve symptoms by reducing inflammation and preventing narrowing of the airways. This method is done by taking drugs regularly, such as:

Corticosteroids in inhaled or pill form, to reduce the body's response to inflammation Injectable biologic drugs, such as omalizumab, mepolizumab, reslizumab, and benralizumab, which function to relieve the body's response to allergens in people with severe asthma The antihistamine drug ketotifen, as an adjunctive therapy to reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of asthma.

Leukotriene-modifying drugs, such as montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton, to reduce inflammation and keep the airways open Mast cell stabilizers, such as cromolyn, to prevent inflammation of the airways when exposed to allergens or other causes of asthma by preventing immune cells from producing inflammation-promoting signals Immunotherapy, in the form of inhalation, tablets, or syrup, to reduce the body's response to allergens that cause asthma Long-acting beta agonist bronchodilator inhalers, such as salmeterol and procaterol, to prevent narrowing of the airways Asthma attack is a life-threatening emergency. In these conditions, the doctor will give medicines via a nebulizer or infusion. If needed, doctors can also provide oxygen therapy or breathing aids, such as ventilators or oxygen cylinders.

Bronchial Thermoplasty

thermoplasty is surgery to treat severe asthma and cannot be treated with other methods of treatment. Even so, not all people with asthma are suitable for this procedure.

This procedure is performed by inserting a thin, flexible tube into the lung, to warm up the muscles around the airways. The goal is to damage these muscles so that the narrowing of the airways and asthma attacks can be reduced.
Asthma is difficult to prevent,because the cause cannot be known with certainty. Even so, there are several efforts that can be done to avoid asthma attacks, namely:

Undergoing asthma treatment that has been prescribed by a doctor, including by taking medicines for asthma regularly and according to the doctor's instructions Get regular flu and pneumonia vaccinations Know the triggers for the appearance of asthma symptoms and avoid them Watch for asthma symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath Treat asthma symptoms as early as possible by taking medications or stopping activities that can trigger attackConsultation and examination with a doctor if treatment is not able to relieve symptoms Live a healthy lifestyle by consuming a balanced nutritious diet, exercising regularly at light intensity, and not smoking Lose weight if you are obese Manage stress well.
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Acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the appearance of a burning feeling in the chest due to stomach acid rising up into the esophagus. Symptoms of stomach acid disease appear at least twice a week.

Acid reflux or gastric acid can be experienced by adults or children. Symptoms of gastric disease are often suspected of being a heart attack or coronary heart disease, because the symptoms are almost similar to chest pain.
Although not as deadly as a heart attack, stomach acid or GERD needs to be treated so it doesn't cause complications.

Acid reflux disease or GERD is caused by weakening of the muscles in the lower esophagus or lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This muscle is shaped like a ring that can open and close the esophagus.

When eating, the LES muscles will relax so that food can enter from the esophagus into the stomach. After food descends into the stomach, this muscle will tighten and close.
In GERD sufferers, the LES muscle weakens so it cannot close. As a result, stomach contents and stomach acid come back up into the esophagus.There are several conditions that can cause the LES muscles to weaken, namely:
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Elderly
  • Gastroparesis 
which is the weakening of the stomach wall muscles so that gastric emptying slows down Scleroderma, which is a disease of the connective tissue Hiatal hernia, namely the entry of the stomach into the chest cavity In infants, increased stomach acid usually occurs because the LES muscle is still in the process of growing. Therefore, this disease can heal itself as the child grows.

Even so, symptoms of increased stomach acid in babies, such as spitting up or burping after feeding or eating, need to be watched out for if it doesn't go away after 1 year of age.
When stomach acid rises, the walls of the esophagus and mouth can become irritated.This condition can cause a sour taste in the back of the mouth and a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn) with or without being accompanied by shortness of breath.

Both of these symptoms mainly occur after eating and can be worse when the patient lies down or bends over. Apart from a sour taste in the back of the mouth and heartburn, acid reflux disease or GERD also experiences the following symptoms:

Bad breath A feeling of a lump in the throat, especially when swallowing Easy to fill Frequent burping and hoarse voice Sore throat that doesn't go away and pain when swallowing Nausea and vomiting Chronic cough without phlegm or chronic dry cough, especially at night Symptoms of increased stomach acid are more common at night, causing difficulty sleeping. GERD can also cause symptoms of asthma and inflammation of the vocal cords (laryngitis).
Treatment of stomach acid or GERD can be done with lifestyle changes, consumption of drugs, or surgery. Here is the explanation:

Lifestyle Changes In order to relieve the symptoms of increased stomach acid, the doctor will advise the patient to make lifestyle changes first. The changes referred to include:

Lose weight if you are overweight Avoid foods and drinks that cause stomach acid to rise, such as caffeine and alcohol Eat smaller portions but more often Do not smoke Limiting or reducing consumption of certain drugs, such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Don't wear tight clothes Do not slouch, sit back, or lie down, for at least 3 hours after eating Sleep on your left side or use extra pillows to elevate your body from the waist up
A number of drugs are given to treat increased stomach acid (GERD), including:

1. Drugs that neutralize stomach acid
These drugs are called antacids and are sold over the counter. Antacids can relieve symptoms of stomach acid disease quickly.

2. Drugs that reduce stomach acid production
Unlike antacids which immediately neutralize stomach acid, these drugs work more slowly but can relieve symptoms for a longer time, because they don't just neutralize stomach acid. By reducing stomach acid production, inflammation in the esophagus can also improve.

Examples of drugs that reduce stomach acid production are H2 antagonist drugs (for example, cimetidine, famotidine,or ranitidine) and proton pump inhibitor drugs (for example, lansoprazole or omeprazole), and potassium-competitive acid blockers (for example, vonoprazan).

3. Drugs that accelerate the process of gastric emptying These drugs are called prokinetics and should only be taken with a doctor's prescription. Examples of these drugs are metoclopramide, domperidone, or cisapride. Emptying stomach contents more quickly can prevent stomach contents from rising into the esophagus.

Operation Surgery is the final treatment step for dealing with GERD or increased stomach acid, especially if lifestyle changes and medications are not effective in treating symptoms.

Surgery is also performed if the patient has experienced complications, such as narrowing of the esophagus which makes it difficult for food to go down into the stomach. The types of operations that can be performed include:

1.LES muscle binding surgery or fundoplication
This operation aims to prevent stomach acid from rising by binding the top of the stomach or the area around the LES muscle.

2. LINX tool installation operation
This magnetic ring-shaped device is wrapped around the LES muscle area, so that the area is only open when food or drink passes through the esophagus.

Apart from surgery, actions to strengthen the LES area can also be performed with an endoscope. In this procedure, the doctor will stitch and tie the lower part of the esophagus (LES area) with the help of a special tool in the form of a camera tube.

Complications can occur if stomach acid or GERD lasts a long time or is not treated thoroughly. These complications include:
Injury to the wall of the esophagus Stomach acid can erode the walls of the esophagus and cause sores or ulcers. Ulcers in the esophagus can bleed, and cause pain and difficulty swallowing.

Esophageal narrowing

The walls of the esophagus can be damaged because they are continuously irritated by stomach acid. Prolonged irritation can cause injury and scar tissue to form in the esophagus. This condition can make the esophagus or esophagus narrow.

Barrett's esophagus Barrett's esophagus is a precancerous condition of the esophagus. This condition occurs due to cell changes in the wall of the esophagus due to continuous irritation of stomach acid. This condition is at risk of becoming esophageal cancer.Prevention of stomach acid disease can be done by changing diet, drinking, and lifestyle. These changes include, namely:

Maintain body weight so that it is always ideal Lose weight if you are obese Avoid foods and drinks that trigger stomach acid to rise, for example, spicy, sour, high-fat foods, as well as coffee and alcoholic beverages Limit consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Do not lie down immediately after eating Implement a regular eating schedule Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight.
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Amnesia or a loss of understanding is a condition that prevents someone from understanding facts, information, or ideas that have previously been communicated to them. Even if it is rather ringing, gangguan daya ingat akibat forgetfulness may also be able to disrupt the life of the subject.

Amnesia is characterized by the whole or partial loss of all mental memories. Despite this, people with amnesia can usually recognize themselves, but they are only really motivated to remember recent events or things that happened in the past.

Amnesia and dementia are frequently linked, yet they are actually two different conditions. Demensia is a gangguan on a day of insight together with the impairment of cognitive function, whereas amnesia is a condition of memory loss that can be temporary or permanent.

Amnesia is caused by a limbic system disorder that is present in the opposite side of the brain. The limbic system is a valuable tool for shaping an individual's understanding and emotions.

Many conditions below may cause problems with the limbic system.

  • Stroke.
  • Cedera on the head, typically following Ensefalitis or peradangan otak.
  • otak Kejang tumor.

Penyakit otak degeneratif, such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia Alcohol use among minuman in a panjang due to prejudice consumption of the relevant drug products, such as benzodiazepines and pain relievers Decreased oxygen supply to the brain, in response to a rise in monocarboxylate levels, gangguan during pernapasan, or jantung scream Trauma psychological, particularly following a sexual offense The primary symptom of amnesia is the loss of memory from the past or difficulty remembering recent events.Based on the underlying cause, amnesia can take on several forms, including:

1.Anterior Amnesia

Such amnesia makes it difficult for the sufferer to comprehend new information. In addition, gangguan ingatan associated with retrograde amnesia can be very severe, for example if a person consumes alcohol in large quantities. Yet, if there is an injury to the outside of the head, amnesia of this kind may also be quite permanent.

2. Amnesia retrograde

Penderita is unable to infer information about past events in this situation. Gangguan in this case may start with a new understanding that has changed, and then proceed with a more profound understanding, such as a recent understanding.

3. Temporary global amnesia

Global amnesia while still not fully understood. However, memory loss in this condition is usually mild and temporary. When experiencing this type of amnesia, the sufferer will feel confused or anxious that comes and goes and repeats.

4. Infantile amnesia

Infantile amnesis is a condition that causes a person to be unable to remember events that occurred in the first 3 to 5 years of life. This condition is also called childhood amnesia.

The doctor will ask questions and answers about the symptoms experienced by the patient, medical history, and medications that the patient is taking or has ever taken. If the patient has difficulty answering the questions asked, the doctor will conduct a debriefing with family members or relatives of the patient.

In addition, the doctor will also carry out a thorough physical examination, including a neurological examination (nervous system function).

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will recommend the patient to carry out a series of the following supporting examinations:

Cognitive tests, to check the ability to think and remember Blood test, to detect infection in the brain MRI or CT scan, to see any damage, bleeding, and brain tumors Electroencephalogram (EEG), to detect electrical activity in the brain

Amnesia treatment aims to improve memory impairment and treat the underlying cause of amnesia. Treatment methods that can be done include:


Until now there is no drug that can restore the memory of amnesia sufferers. However, doctors can provide medication to treat the underlying cause of amnesia. Vitamin supplements are also sometimes given to prevent further damage to the nervous system.

2. Occupational therapy

Patients will be advised to undergo occupational therapy. This therapy aims to help patients recognize new information and utilize existing memories.

3. Use of assistive devices

The use of assistive devices, such as smartphones, telephones and electronic agendas, will help patients remember their daily activities.

In addition, notebooks and photographs, such as photos of places or photos of people, can also be used by patients to remember events or people around them.

Amnesia can interfere with the sufferer's daily life. If it occurs continuously, this condition can cause a decrease in quality of life. Sufferers may experience difficulty at work, school, or socializing due to this condition.

If the amnesia is severe enough, some sufferers even have to receive supervision or stay in a rehabilitation institution.

Amnesia is caused by damage to the brain. The best way that can be done to prevent amnesia is to avoid injury and interference with the brain. Here are some things to do:

Do not consume alcoholic beverages in excess

Wear safety equipment when driving, such as a helmet when driving a motorcycle or a seat belt when driving a car

Eat a balanced nutritious diet and maintain an ideal body weight to avoid stroke

Carry out routine checks to the doctor if you have an infectious disease in order to reduce the risk of spreading it to the brain

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of a stroke or brain aneurysm, such as a severe headache, numbness, or paralysis on one side of the body.

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