Amnesia or a loss of understanding is a condition that prevents someone from understanding facts, information, or ideas that have previously been communicated to them. Even if it is rather ringing, gangguan daya ingat akibat forgetfulness may also be able to disrupt the life of the subject.

Amnesia is characterized by the whole or partial loss of all mental memories. Despite this, people with amnesia can usually recognize themselves, but they are only really motivated to remember recent events or things that happened in the past.

Amnesia and dementia are frequently linked, yet they are actually two different conditions. Demensia is a gangguan on a day of insight together with the impairment of cognitive function, whereas amnesia is a condition of memory loss that can be temporary or permanent.

Amnesia is caused by a limbic system disorder that is present in the opposite side of the brain. The limbic system is a valuable tool for shaping an individual's understanding and emotions.

Many conditions below may cause problems with the limbic system.

  • Stroke.
  • Cedera on the head, typically following Ensefalitis or peradangan otak.
  • otak Kejang tumor.

Penyakit otak degeneratif, such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia Alcohol use among minuman in a panjang due to prejudice consumption of the relevant drug products, such as benzodiazepines and pain relievers Decreased oxygen supply to the brain, in response to a rise in monocarboxylate levels, gangguan during pernapasan, or jantung scream Trauma psychological, particularly following a sexual offense The primary symptom of amnesia is the loss of memory from the past or difficulty remembering recent events.Based on the underlying cause, amnesia can take on several forms, including:

1.Anterior Amnesia

Such amnesia makes it difficult for the sufferer to comprehend new information. In addition, gangguan ingatan associated with retrograde amnesia can be very severe, for example if a person consumes alcohol in large quantities. Yet, if there is an injury to the outside of the head, amnesia of this kind may also be quite permanent.

2. Amnesia retrograde

Penderita is unable to infer information about past events in this situation. Gangguan in this case may start with a new understanding that has changed, and then proceed with a more profound understanding, such as a recent understanding.

3. Temporary global amnesia

Global amnesia while still not fully understood. However, memory loss in this condition is usually mild and temporary. When experiencing this type of amnesia, the sufferer will feel confused or anxious that comes and goes and repeats.

4. Infantile amnesia

Infantile amnesis is a condition that causes a person to be unable to remember events that occurred in the first 3 to 5 years of life. This condition is also called childhood amnesia.

The doctor will ask questions and answers about the symptoms experienced by the patient, medical history, and medications that the patient is taking or has ever taken. If the patient has difficulty answering the questions asked, the doctor will conduct a debriefing with family members or relatives of the patient.

In addition, the doctor will also carry out a thorough physical examination, including a neurological examination (nervous system function).

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will recommend the patient to carry out a series of the following supporting examinations:

Cognitive tests, to check the ability to think and remember Blood test, to detect infection in the brain MRI or CT scan, to see any damage, bleeding, and brain tumors Electroencephalogram (EEG), to detect electrical activity in the brain

Amnesia treatment aims to improve memory impairment and treat the underlying cause of amnesia. Treatment methods that can be done include:


Until now there is no drug that can restore the memory of amnesia sufferers. However, doctors can provide medication to treat the underlying cause of amnesia. Vitamin supplements are also sometimes given to prevent further damage to the nervous system.

2. Occupational therapy

Patients will be advised to undergo occupational therapy. This therapy aims to help patients recognize new information and utilize existing memories.

3. Use of assistive devices

The use of assistive devices, such as smartphones, telephones and electronic agendas, will help patients remember their daily activities.

In addition, notebooks and photographs, such as photos of places or photos of people, can also be used by patients to remember events or people around them.

Amnesia can interfere with the sufferer's daily life. If it occurs continuously, this condition can cause a decrease in quality of life. Sufferers may experience difficulty at work, school, or socializing due to this condition.

If the amnesia is severe enough, some sufferers even have to receive supervision or stay in a rehabilitation institution.

Amnesia is caused by damage to the brain. The best way that can be done to prevent amnesia is to avoid injury and interference with the brain. Here are some things to do:

Do not consume alcoholic beverages in excess

Wear safety equipment when driving, such as a helmet when driving a motorcycle or a seat belt when driving a car

Eat a balanced nutritious diet and maintain an ideal body weight to avoid stroke

Carry out routine checks to the doctor if you have an infectious disease in order to reduce the risk of spreading it to the brain

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of a stroke or brain aneurysm, such as a severe headache, numbness, or paralysis on one side of the body.